Panel Tools

When a presentation is launched in runtime, a selection of panel tools is available for each visual.

  • Smart Insights: generate AI-automated analysis of a given query, with the output returned in natural language.
  • Natural Language Querying Chat: interact with visualizations in an intuitive way with plain English.
  • Analyze Further: open data discoveries in the Discover Lite tool for further analysis.
  • Workflows for Report: toggle the workflow icon to show or hide the visual's workflows or conversations.
  • Auto Lasso Tool: use the dynamic lasso selection tool if cross-filter your visuals have been configured. Click the dynamic lasso tool then drag select the required data points. The affected visuals will be filtered by the selected data points.
  • Lasso Selection Tool: use this to select multiple data points, and then interact with them
  • Full-Screen: click the full-screen icon to full-screen the specified visual
  • If you full-screen a visual that has an interaction with a slicer, the slicer will appear in the Presentation Menu on the left:

To learn more about panels, click here.